Cowhide rugs are a trendy way to make any room interesting. They can be used with modern or classic styles because they serve many purposes. For three generations, eCowhides has offered popular collections of cowhide rugs. Therefore, we know that the most important thing for the life of your cowhide rug is keeping it clean.
How to Keep Cowhide Rugs Clean
Cowhide rugs look great under furniture, especially reading chairs and couches. If you choose to place your cowhide under furniture, you’ll want to use leg protectors to avoid indentation. These protectors increase the surface area of the legs on furniture, so they don’t transfer the weight in a damaging way. Likewise, do not wear shoes when walking on top of your cowhide. It is better to wear your house slippers, socks, or bare feet when walking on cowhide because this will avoid transferring dirt from your shoes.
It also can look nice to place a cowhide rug under your dining room table. The benefits can outweigh the dangers of this rug placement if you protect your rug appropriately. You might consider using a clear plastic cover over your cowhide rug during dinner parties.
What if My Cowhide Rug is Dirty?
Of course, accidents happen and so do stains and messes. Luckily, you can scrub cowhide rugs with small amounts of water and no alkaline chemicals. The best thing to do if you spill something on your cowhide is to clean the spot immediately. Our rugs are high-quality material. Therefore, if you address the mess right away then you can possibly save your cowhide.
Whether you are looking for cowhide to fit your room’s theme or trying to look trendy and fashion forward, we have the cowhide rug for you. Our family-owned business is well experienced in this field and only offer the best. We recommend that you take good care of your cowhide rug by being strategic about protecting it. Also, we suggest that if anything is spilled on your cowhide, that you clean it right away. Visit our gallery for creative ideas about where to place your cowhide.